Realmyst game
Realmyst game

Like the original Myst when it was first released, the visuals are the highlight of this title. And unfortunately, what realMyst will most likely remind fans is that the original game had some pretty big faults beneath the initial glitz. Riven, despite all its flash, couldn't sustain and entertain the way the original could. Even with near-photorealistic environments to explore, gamers had become sober to the fact that they basically could care less about having to write down obscure codes, and travel back and forth across empty screens for hours to flip switches. While Myst popped eyeballs and lit a match under imaginations, Riven seemed to tread the same water - but with much less success, at least in the eyes of the hardcore. The new age to explore and the 3D graphics will probably be enough to snag most diehard Myst fans, but what about the rest of us? While Myst sucked in a whole generation of gamers with its atmosphere, beauty, and Zen-like pacing, Riven reminded us that after the glittery lights of a new CD format dimmed, there was still something called gameplay that needed to be answered. It's beautiful, and actually runs a bit smoother than the other ages. The age is called Rime, and it's a tiny little icy island with some nice snow effects, and some neat whale-like creatures under the water's oily, dark surface. Highlight the blank space and enjoy if you don't want a spoiler:

realmyst game

This is Myst in its original form, exact to the tiniest detail (and that includes the same exact puzzles as well), only now there's a secret bonus for people who bust through the entire game - a new age, which I'll mention in secret-o-text below. Myst has been released, re-released, and re-released over the years, and now the original been given a 3D makeover in order to market once again this holiday season. But is it right according to your average gamer's morality scale? Probably not. This is all fine and good - this is totally appropriate.

realmyst game

You know how I know? Because Myst has been re-released again, in 3D.

Realmyst game