Yume sekirei
Yume sekirei

yume sekirei

As a result of Minato rescuing Akitsu and having Takami pick her up to fix her, a group of foreign operatives decide to attack and capture the ice Sekirei, Takami, and Kusano.Oriha runs into Yukari when being chased by Hagi's thugs, and gets winged by her on purpose after realizing that she's a compatible Ashikabi so she can fight them off' This leads to Yukari discovering that Minato is an Ashikabi far earlier than in canon.and only ended up making her feelings towards him more intense and making her Tsundere for Minato. Takami, worried that Yukari's Big Brother Worship was developing into Big Brother Attraction, tried to talk to her about it.More than one Sekirei that were winged at least semi-forcefully in canon are rescued as a result of Minato and/or his Sekirei being in the right place at the right time and end up willingly being winged by Minato.Uzume still meets Chiho, but she's transferred to a hospital in America before she can wing her, leading to her choosing Minato instead.She then asks the twins to pick him up, and they find that they react to him far more strongly than the twins do Seo, so they end up being winged by him after Takami gives her blessing, Musubi following soon after. The first major deviance is Takami realizing that she can't stop her kids from getting involved with the Plan, and Minato getting his arm broken by his ass of a landlord when Hikari and Hibiki are with her before being released.Flat "What": Karasuba's reaction to learning about the above Failsafe Failure.

yume sekirei

  • Failsafe Failure: Karasuba couldn't respond to Takami's calls because Minaka heard chatter about an attack but got the where wrong, so she was in a Faraday cage the whole time it went down.
  • Exotic Extended Marriage: Winging a Sekirei being similar to marriage is emphasized a bit more than in canon.
  • And that's not even considering examples like Yukari.
  • Everyone Is Bi: The female Sekirei are stated to be mostly bisexual, though they tend to prefer men over women, and there are a few straight girls and lesbians in there.
  • Especially after what happened to Takehito. And that includes not using the Jinki outside of their intended purposes.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Minaka may be a self-admitted madman putting a race of aliens into a nearly unwanted tournament for unknown reasons, but even he keeps any promises he makes.
  • yume sekirei

    Even Minaka is scared of her to some degree. Minato can trick a group of foreign special ops forces into giving up their bosses just by giving them the choice of siccing her on them vs. Dramatically Missing the Point: Minaka finds it rather amazing how someone as intelligent as Higa can be so continually blind to the fact that the power of a Sekirei comes from love, affection, and trust, which keeps his Sekirei from getting much, if any benefit from being winged.This is the Sekirei who is so powerful that Matsu and Uzume, Numbers 2 and 10, couldn't hope to match her even if both of them used their Norito at the exact same time, and yet Takami, a normal human, outright called her out to her face. Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Takami called out Miya on her self-imposed neutrality, asking her if there would ever be a point where she would intervene.Corporal Punishment: When Yukari's jealousy gets the better of her, the Lightning Twins warns the former that the next time she attacks Minato in any way, they will get permission from Takami to spank the younger Sahashi.Given the fact that she keeps getting cuddled when asleep by her (which she wouldn't mind if Oriha weren't like an octopus in the strength of her grip) and keeps getting her clothes shredded in the process, she may have a point. Clingy Jealous Girl: Yukari is worried about Oriha being this if she tries to get into a relationship with another girl (besides other Sekirei of course).This also doesn’t apply to the male Sekirei.Of course, this means that non-penetrative acts aren't an issue. Can't Have Sex, Ever: If a Sekirei has penetrative vaginal sex before their power properly matures, they would almost certainly have their power growth stunted (which is part of why Miya is so strict about there being no hanky panky under her roof).Yukari overreacts when she sees Minato Winging Akitsu, and ends up "disciplined" by the twins.They get their asses handed to them by Minato's Sekirei. Some foreign operatives try to kidnap Takami, Akitsu, and Kusano.The only reason they thought that they could get away with it was that her powers were weakened without an Ashikabi, and they got too close to her for her to be able to use her powers effectively. Some of Higa's thugs chase after Oriha.

    Yume sekirei